Published by Antonino


Could Learning Polo Be Among Your Resolutions For 2021?

Wow, what a year it’s been! Many of us are hoping for a fresh start in 2021, which means we’ll more than likely be making a few resolutions to help keep us on track as we move into January.

Country Living recently shared some suggestions of new year’s resolutions that could have a positive impact on our lives.

Among them is to try something new each month and we think that learning to play polo could be a great choice if you already love horse riding. It’s a fun and exciting sport and one that we’re always keen to introduce more people to.

To make sure you stick to this resolution, the publication recommended starting small and building up your commitment levels to the activities you try each month.

Another of its tips for a resolution is to choose a hobby that you’re going to master during 2021, which could mean signing up for polo lessons if you decide that polo is a sport you want to embrace over the coming 12 months.

Travelling, safely of course, is another recommendation from the magazine, although not necessarily overseas. There are many great places to explore in the UK, so take some time to plan trips within your home country in the coming year.

You could even tie your holidays in with a hobby like polo if you fall in love with the sport.

Forbes, too, recently offered some suggestions for new year’s resolutions for 2021, with one of its recommendations being to spend time outdoors – another box that’s ticked by an activity like polo!